Many people would prefer natural remedies for age spots over harsher medical treatments involving acid peels or liquid nitrogen. This isn’t really a wonder because intuitively we know that age spots are the result of skin damage, and anything that does more skin damage isn’t going to do us any good. What are age spots […]
Epilepsy Alternative Medicine
Epilepsy is a condition which affects the central nervous system. An outbreak of chaotic electrical activity in the brain leads to a seizure, which can be partial or a result in loss of consciousness. There are many causes of epilepsy which includes birth trauma, head injury, food sensitivity, flickering light, cancer, loud noise and fatigue, […]
Natural Home Remedies for Dandruff
Dandruff can be described as a dry, flaky skin on the scalp and it is a common and annoying problem. The usual cause of dandruff is a condition known as seborrhoeic dermatitis, which produces an itchy, scaly rash on the scalp. Dandruff can sometimes occur in other areas other than the hair scalp such as […]
Natural Home Remedies for Dry Skin
Dry skin refers to the situation when less oil is produced by the oil glands. It is the main problem during winters when humidity is less. The most affected areas are the thighs, lower arms, chest, and sides of the abdomen, cheeks and the area around the eyes. It makes the skin tight after wash […]