What is Athlete’s Foot?
Athlete’s Foot is a persistent fungal infection affecting the feet, also known as tinea pedis. Athlete’s Foot most commonly appears between the toes and toenails but can affect other parts of the foot as well. This causes the skin between the toes and in the infected areas to appear scaly, cracked, and red.
Who Gets Athlete’s Foot?
Athlete’s Foot gets it’s name from the high number of athlete’s that experience tinea pedis. This is because perspiration, and moisture provide a perfect environment for the fungus to thrive.
So, athlete’s most commonly get athlete’s foot. Anyone can get athlete’s foot. People with excessively sweaty feet are more susceptible to developing athlete’s foot. Public environments such as gyms, locker rooms, and hotel bathrooms are common places where you can contract the fungus.
What are the Symptoms of Athlete’s Foot?
The symptoms of athlete’s foot are pretty standard. Itching, burning, and cracking between the toes, and on other places on the foot. Yellowish brown toenails, and patches of dry skin on the feet are other common symptoms.
What are the Root Causes of Athlete’s Foot?
Many people who have chronic athlete’s foot often times have a candida overgrowth. Refer to our candida cleanse section for more information. Prolonged and frequent use of antibiotics, corticosteroids, which leads to a depletion in your body’s friendly bacteria have been linked to athlete’s foot, as with other funguses. A depressed immune system, poor digestion and elimination, as well as a diet high in sugar are also causes. Most notably however is poor hygiene.
Natural Remedies.
Changing into clean socks after a workout, or anytime that your feet get really sweaty will help to prevent athlete’s foot, as well as good hygiene. Eat a diet high in fresh organic produce, and consume a lot of antioxidant rich foods to boost your immune system. If you suspect that candida overgrowth may be your culprit limit the amount of sugar in your diet, even down to fruits, and fruit juices.
Tea Tree Oil– Apply Tea Tree Oil to the affected areas several times a day. Also cleanse the affected areas with tea tree soap. Tea Tree Oil has powerful anti-fungal properties. You can also apply a natural powder with tea tree oil to your feet to keep them dry. |
Oregano Oil– Take 500 mg three times a day. This will boost your immune system. You can also apply oregano oil directly to the affected areas. |
Caprylic Acid– Take 1,000 mg three times a day. Caprylic acid has great anti-fungal properties. |
Garlic– Take 500 – 1,000 mg of garlic twice a day. This will provide more anti-fungal treatment as well as boost your immune system. |
Probiotic– Take a probiotic with at least 4 billions active organisms. Take twice a day thirty minutes after a meal. this will help to restore friendly bacteria which will in-turn fight fungus. |
Echinacea– Take 500 mg three times a day. Echinacea will boost your immune system, and also give you anti-fungal benefits. |
Grapefruit Seed Extract– Take 200 mg two to three times a day. This herbs has amazing anti-fungal properties. |
*Please check with your doctor before taking any supplements, and also read the warning labels on each product, especially if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Also read the labels carefully when giving your child any natural supplement, to ensure that it is safe to give a child.