Sinusitis is a swelling of the inner lining of the sinuses. The sinuses are the spaces between the bones in the face where air passes and where a fluid called mucus drains into the nose. In sinusitis, the swelling blocks the openings in the sinuses through which mucus drains into the nose. When mucus cannot drain properly, the pressure of the blocked fluid inside the sinuses can be painful. Sinusitis is quite common. It feels much like a head cold, with a stuffy or runny nose and a headache. For most people, sinusitis is a temporary condition that goes away with a simple natural treatment. If the symptoms do not clear up easily, medication can help. In rare cases, surgery may bring permanent relief.
The symptoms of sinusitis are constant or excessive sneezing, low grade fever, running nose, headaches, blockage of one or both nostrils, and pressure around the eyes, head and face. When an individual has sinusitis, there may be a lack of appetite and difficulty when breathing. Sinusitis is caused by inflammation of the sinus passages and the over secretion of mucus which is produced by the membranes that line the throat and nose.
Home Remedies for Sinusitis
There are many natural home remedies for sinusitis, the health food mango, being one of them. During each season, the liberal use of these natural foods has been considered a very effective home remedy for the natural treatment and prevention of sinusitis. Natural foods such as mangoes promote the formation of healthy epithelium and because of that these health foods prevent frequent attacks of basic common infections such as sinusitis. These natural foods are effective natural remedies for sinusitis because it has a high concentration of A health vitamins.
Garlic and Onion as Natural Remedies
Among the top natural remedies for sinusitis, you’ll find garlic and onion. The usage of these pungent natural foods is one of the most effective natural remedies for sinus problems. When you first begin using this home remedy, you’re going to need to start out with mild doses and then increase them gradually. You can get beneficial results from adding moderate amounts of these herbal remedies in your regular meals.
Among the top natural remedies for sinusitis, you’ll find garlic and onion. The usage of these pungent natural foods is one of the most effective natural remedies for sinus problems. When you first begin using this home remedy, you’re going to need to start out with mild doses and then increase them gradually. You can get beneficial results from adding moderate amounts of these herbal remedies in your regular meals.
Fenugreek as a Natural Remedy
Another effective natural remedy for sinusitis is the seeds of fenugreek. You can prepare a tea by boiling one teaspoon of the fenugreek seeds in two hundred and fifty milliliters of water till it has reduced in half. This natural remedy will help the body to produce perspiration, shorten the period of fever once it has reached the acute stage of the disease and dispel toxicity. You can take up to four cups of this tea as a natural remedy on a daily basis.
Cumin Seeds as a Natural Remedy
Cumin seeds are among the best natural remedies for sinusitis. When you inhale a teaspoon of black cumin seeds that have been tied in a thin cotton cloth, you will be able to get relief from sinusitis.
Vegetable Juices as Natural Remedies
When you have sinus trouble, natural foods such as vegetable juices are also among the best home remedies for sinusitis. Carrot juice taken alone or in combination with other juices such as cucumber, spinach or beet juice can be very beneficial in the natural treatment of this condition. If you’re going to use combined juices in the natural treatment of sinusitis, you can use one hundred milliliters of cucumber and beet juices and two hundred milliliters of spinach juice and mix it with three hundred milliliters of carrot juice in order to create five hundred milliliters or half a liter of the mixed juice.
Health Vitamins as Natural Remedies
A good way to treat sinusitis is with health vitamins. There are quite a few treatment options available for sinusitis, whether it be natural remedies or prescription drugs. However, most people with sinusitis don’t realize that often times health vitamins alone can help to speed up the natural healing process.
1. Take 500 mg of Bioflavonoids health supplements, three times per day. Bioflavonoids health supplements work best with Sinusitis that was caused by allergies.
2. Take 2,000 mg of C health vitamins, four times per day. C health vitamins are anti allergies, and also, these health vitamins help to enhance the immune system.
3. Take 25,000 IU of A health vitamins each day for a week. A health vitamins help with the mucous membrane lining and taking a high dosage of these health vitamins for a week can help to improve the condition and speed up the natural healing process.
4. Take 10 mg of Zinc health supplements each day. Zinc health vitamins are one of the most effective natural remedies for sinusitis. Zinc health vitamins are also common in many of the health vitamins blends used specifically for sinusitis.
5. It is also suggested that patients take regular health supplements of the natural herbal remedy decongestant ephedra-Chinese medical name-Ma huang. This herbal remedy will widen the width of the blood vessels serving the respiratory tract of the individual, this property of the herb acts in bringing about relief from attendant congestion and swelling along the sinuses. The use of this herbal remedy is suggested only for those cases of sinusitis which prove persistent and resistant to the effects of other kinds of natural treatments. This herbal remedy must be used to treat only strong or acute cases of sinusitis as it possesses some side effects.
Recommended Supplements to Take
The following supplements are know to aid in the fight against Sinusitis. Keep in mind that not every nutrient or supplement you swallow is absorbed by your body! Please read carefully the tab on the top of this page called HEALTH RESOURCES! It will explain to you why it is important to take the right supplements and nutrients. Our recommendations below we feel will give you the best possible nutrients and supplements on the market!
Essential Nutrients and Herbs to Take:
Please check with your doctor before taking any supplements, and also read the warning labels on each product, especially if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. In addition, read the labels carefully when giving your child any natural supplement, to ensure that it is safe to give a child.